Excerpt from the Articles of Association of the Ukrainian Association of Translators and Interpreters NGO
3.1. It is the overarching goal of the Organisation to support the sustained development of the translation and interpretation sector by developing and implementing sectoral standards, improving the process of training translators and interpreters and protecting their interests, securing professional rights, supporting translation/interpretation research, and improving quality of education and translation/interpretation activities.
3.2. Major lines of activity of the Organisation shall be as follows:
3.2.1. promoting translation/interpretation activities in Ukraine;
3.2.2. raising the profile of translators/interpreters in Ukraine and that of Ukrainian translators/interpreters at the international level;
3.2.3. supporting the development of Ukrainian literature and culture, for instance, by supporting translation projects;
3.2.4. promoting the values of European culture;
3.2.5. co-operating with civil society organisations, including international, national, and regional translator/interpreter associations aiming at research, educational, and professional goals;
3.2.6. lobbying for the interests of members of the Organisation before state authorities, other public agencies, and local governments;
3.2.7. representing and defending the interests of Organisation members, providing expert assessment of translations, mediating the settlement of disputes arising in the course of professional, research, and any other activities in the fields of philology, translation, and related sectors, including disputes between translation/interpretation clients and contractors;
3.2.8. developing, implementing, improving, and applying a system of the independent non-governmental certification in the field of translation and interpretation;
3.2.9. developing, implementing, improving, and applying a system of sectoral standards in the field of translation and interpretation;
3.2.10. developing, implementing, improving, and applying a system of sectoral standards in the field of teaching translation theory and practice;
3.2.11. developing international cooperation in the field of research and education activities in the translation/interpretation sector;
3.2.12. developing, implementing, and improving international, national, regional, local, and other programmes (projects) in the field of research, teaching, and translation/interpretation;
3.2.13. supporting the development of the translation/interpretation sector and translatology research by hosting international conferences, roundtables, workshops, etc., publishing collections of articles, organising internships;
3.2.14. co-operating with education establishments in the pursuit of the teaching process, for instance, by organising lectures and seminars with the participation of specialists from the translation/interpretation sector, supporting and organising translation/interpretation internships for students;
3.2.15. fostering contacts between potential employers and clients, and translators/interpreters and students; establishing and operating a directory of translators/interpreters and stakeholders from the translation sector;
3.2.16. supporting participation of employers in the process of the development of teaching standards, translation/interpretation curricula and programmes;
3.2.17. hosting educational events (training courses, workshops, etc.), and professional development courses for translators/interpreters and teachers of translation/interpretation theory and practice;
3.2.18. developing, implementing, improving, and harmonising curricula, programmes, and other translation/interpretation theory and practice documents focused on supporting the teaching process and activities of education establishments, including higher education establishments;
3.2.19. enhancing teaching of disciplines required for the training of translators/interpreters, editors, and other translation/interpretation sector specialists;
3.2.20. developing, implementing, improving, and operating a system of the external audit (external quality assessment, quality assurance, accreditation) of education establishments, including higher education establishments, and research institutions;
3.2.21. advising and supporting education establishments, including higher education establishments, and research institutions with organising and implementing the internal audit (education quality assurance system, internal education quality assessment);
3.2.22. providing advice and opinions on linguistic issues, for instance, related to translation/interpretation, for investigation and judicial agencies;
3.2.23. supporting integration of the Ukrainian language in translation/interpretation technical facilities;
3.2.24. supporting the development of the dictionary corpus;
3.2.25. consolidating best practices in professional and entrepreneurial activities of translators/interpreters;
3.2.26. supporting collective entry by Organisation members into pension insurance, professional third-party liability insurance, medical insurance, and other insurance agreements with the involvement of partner organisations;
3.2.27. providing advice and legal support via partner organisations aimed at protecting copyright;
3.2.28. exercising activities related to publishing and disseminating printed and electronic publications.