Відому білоруську перекладачку Вольгу Калацьку арештували у Білорусі!
Ми вимагаємо звільнення нашої колеги Вольги Калацької і зняття з неї всіх звинувачень. Репресивні заходи проти творчих людей і тих, хто бере участь у мирних акціях протестів, є порушенням прав людини. Вони мають бути припинені та визнані протиправними.

Вольгу Калацьку затримали 15 січня 2021 року в її квартирі за статтею 342 Кримінального кодексу Білорусі («Організація та підготовка дій, які грубо порушують громадський порядок, або активна участь у них»). Її тримають під арештом, їй загрожує три роки ув’язнення.
В. Калацька переклала білоруською мовою твори Вірджинії Вулф, Теннессі Вільямса, Вільяма Голдінга, Пола Остера, Тоні Парсонз, Артура Голдена та інших. Переклади друкувалися в журналах “Криніца”, “Дзеяслоў” і “ARCHE”. Вона також перекладала білоруською фільми та мультфільми.
Вольга вірить у свободу самовираження і вважає, що світова класика і бестселери мають бути перекладені білоруською.
Від початку масових протестів у Білорусі, які розпочалися після президентських виборів 2020 року, Вольга Калацька брала участь у мирних демонстраціях.
Вольга Калацька є однією з тих творчих людей, які зазнали репресій за останній час у Білорусі. Як повідомляє PEN Belarus, з весни 2020 року мали місце понад 600 випадків порушення прав людини, спрямованих проти діячів мистецтва, включаючи членів і працівників PEN Belarus. Голова організації — письменниця і лауреатка Нобелевської премії Світлана Алексієвич — постійно отримує загрози.
A well-known Belorussian translator Volga Kalackaja has been arrested in Belarus!
We demand the release of our colleague Olga Kalackaja and charges dropped. Repressive measures by the Belarusian Government against artists and those engaged in peaceful protest violate the civil court of human rights and should cease.
Volga Kalackaja was detained in her home in 15th January 2021 under Article 342 Criminal Code of Belarus, “Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them”.
She is now facing unfounded charges and a possible three years in prison.
Kalackaja is a talented individual and valued member of the community, having translated into Belarusian Virginia Woolf, Tennessee Williams, William Golding, Paul Oster, Tony Parsons, Arthur Golden and others. The translations were published in the magazines “Krynitsa”, “Dziejaslov” and “ARCHE”. She has also translated films and cartoons into Belarusian.
Olga strongly believes in freedom to express your views and that world classics and bestsellers should be translated into the Belarusian language.
Since the mass protests began in Belarus, shortly after the 2020 presidential election, Volga Kalackaja has legally participated in peaceful demonstrations.
Not only has Volga’s freedom been impinged, according to PEN Belarus, since the beginning of the election campaign in Belarus, there have been more than 600 cases of cultural rights violations, including against PEN Belarus members and staff. The president of PEN Belarus, writer and Nobel prize laureate Svetlana Alexievich, has faced continuous harassment, forcing her to leave the country.
We the peaceful translators and interpreters for the world respectful request that Volga is released without harm to lead her natural peaceful life undertaking important translating work for the Belarusian good.
Українська асоціація перекладачів / Ukrainian Association of Translators and Interpreters
Ініціативна група “Перекладачі в Дії” / Translators In Action (TIA)
FIT Statement on the Imprisonment of a Belarus Translator
The International Federation of Translators (FIT)
Reaffirming Article 4 of the Bylaws of FIT, in particular (a) and (i) where FIT shall above all –
(a) act as the international voice of translators, interpreters and terminologists and make that voice heard in the relevant public and political arenas; and
(i) uphold the moral and material interests of translators, interpreters and terminologists throughout the world,
Recalling the Recommendation on the Legal Protection of Translators and Translations and the Practical Means to Improve the Status of Translators adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at its Nineteenth Session in Nairobi on 22 November 1976 (the “Nairobi Recommendation”),
Acknowledging the specific nature of the Nairobi Recommendation does not cover translators’ freedom of expression in their professional capacity and their capacity as members of the citizenry,
Considering the unanimous ratification of the draft Memorandum of Understanding between FIT and PEN International during the XXI FIT Statutory Congress in Brisbane in 2017,
Recalling the Quebec Declaration on Literary Translation and Translators developed in Barcelona (April 2015) by the PEN International Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee, ratified by the PEN International Assembly of Delegates at the 81st Congress in Quebec (October 2015) (the “Quebec Declaration”),
Noting herein article 5 of the Quebec Declaration which states “The physical safety and freedom of expression of translators must be guaranteed at all times”,
Considering, further, the unanimous ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding between FIT and the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations (CEATL) during the XXI FIT Statutory Congress in Brisbane in 2017,
Acknowledging the joint statement from the European Writers Council (EWC) and CEATL on
5 February 2021 on International Day of Solidarity with Belarus https://europeanwriterscouncil.eu/standwithbelarus/,
Underlining the sovereign right of the Republic of Belarus and its legal institutions,
Acknowledging, further, the scarcity of publicly available information concerning the charge of organising actions against public order against Volha Kalackaja, a translator of Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, and Tennessee Williams, who was arrested on 15 January 2021,
- Reiterates and expresses strong support of the extremely important role played by translators and translations in international exchanges in culture, art and science, particularly in the case of works written or translated in less widely spoken languages;
- Underlines the importance of collective actions in particular those concerning the rights of translators, terminologists and interpreters with our partners PEN International, CEATL, World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) and European Society of Translation Studies (EST); and substantiates our longstanding wish to work with the
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) by supporting their campaign concerning Belarus https://www.ifj.org/media–centre/news/detail/category/health–andsafety/article/journalists–in–prison–in–belarus–call–for–journalists–organisations–to–takeaction.html;
- Urges the Government of the Republic of Belarus to expedite its investigation of allegation(s) against Ms Kalackaja and to ensure all national and international treaty obligations on rights of suspects be respected;
- Calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to guarantee fair and transparent legal processes especially with respect to Ms Kalackaja;
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to release Ms Kalackaja upon completion of fair and transparent legal process;
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to guarantee human rights and cultural rights of translators, writers and publishers; AND
- Further calls on the Government of the Republic of Belarus to end all violence and repression against writers, translators, and the independent cultural scene in Belarus.
Paris, 21 February 2021
Déclaration de la FIT sur l’emprisonnement d’une traductrice au Bélarus
La Fédération internationale des traducteurs (FIT)
Réaffirmant l’article 4 de ses Statuts, en particulier les paragraphes a et i selon lesquels la FIT a notamment pour but :
a) d’agir en tant que voix de la communauté internationale des traducteurs, interprètes et terminologues et faire entendre cette voix dans les milieux publics et politiques appropriés ;
i) de défendre les intérêts moraux et matériels des traducteurs, interprètes et terminologues à travers le monde ;
Rappelant la Recommandation sur la protection juridique des traducteurs et des traductions et sur les moyens pratiques d’améliorer la condition des traducteurs, adoptée par la Conférence générale de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) à sa dix-neuvième session tenue à Nairobi le 22 novembre 1976 (la « Recommandation de Nairobi ») ;ex
Reconnaissant que la Recommandation de Nairobi ne couvre pas spécifiquement la liberté d’expression des traducteurs en leur capacité professionnelle et leur qualité de citoyens ;
Considérant la ratification unanime du projet de protocole d’accord entre la FIT et PEN International lors du XXIe Congrès statutaire de la FIT tenu à Brisbane en 2017 ;
Rappelant la Déclaration de Québec sur la traduction littéraire, les traductrices et les traducteurs conçue et rédigée à Barcelone (avril 2015) par le Comité de la traduction et des droits linguistiques de PEN International, ratifiée par l’Assemblée des délégués de PEN International lors du 81e Congrès à Québec (octobre 2015) (la « Déclaration de Québec ») ;
Constatant la teneur de l’article 5 de la Déclaration de Québec lequel énonce que « L’intégrité physique et la liberté d’expression des traductrices et des traducteurs doivent en tout temps être assurées. » ;
Considérant par ailleurs la ratification unanime du protocole d’accord entre la FIT et le Conseil Européen des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires (CEATL) lors du XXIe Congrès statutaire de la FIT tenu à Brisbane en 2017 ;
Reconnaissant la déclaration commune du Conseil des auteurs européens (EWC) et du CEATL le 5 février 2021 à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de solidarité avec le Bélarus https://europeanwriterscouncil.eu/standwithbelarus/ ;
Soulignant le droit souverain de la République du Bélarus et de ses institutions juridiques ;
Reconnaissant la rareté des informations accessibles au public concernant l’accusation d’organisation d’actions contre l’ordre public portée contre Volha Kalackaja, traductrice de Margaret Atwood, de Virginia Woolf et de Tennessee Williams, qui a été arrêtée le 15 janvier 2021 ;
- réitère et soutient fermement le rôle extrêmement important que jouent les traducteurs et les traductions dans les échanges internationaux en matière de culture, d’art et de science, en particulier dans le cas d’œuvres écrites ou traduites dans les langues de moindre diffusion ;
- souligne l’importance des actions collectives, en particulier celles concernant les droits des traducteurs, des terminologues et des interprètes, avec ses partenaires que sont PEN International, le CEATL, l’Association mondiale des interprètes en langue des signes (WASLI) et la Société européenne de traductologie (EST) et réaffirme son souhait de collaborer avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) en soutenant sa
campagne concernant le Bélarus https://www.ifj.org/media–
centre/news/detail/category/health–and–safety/article/journalists–in–prison–in–belaruscall–for–journalists–organisations–to–take–action.html ;
- prie instamment le gouvernement de la République du Bélarus de faire diligence en ce qui concerne l’enquête sur les allégations portées contre Mme Kalalckaja et de veiller à ce que toutes les obligations découlant des traités nationaux et internationaux sur les droits des suspects soient respectées ;
- demande au gouvernement de la République du Bélarus de garantir des procédures juridiques équitables et transparentes, particulièrement dans le cas de Mme Kalackaja ;
- demande par ailleurs au gouvernement de la République du Bélarus de libérer Mme Kalackaja à l’issue d’une procédure juridique équitable et transparente ;
- demande aussi au gouvernement de la République du Bélarus de garantir les droits humains et les droits culturels des traducteurs, des écrivains et des éditeurs ;
- demande finalement au gouvernement de la République du Bélarus de mettre fin à la violence et à la répression contre les écrivains, les traducteurs et le milieu culturel indépendant du Bélarus.
Paris, le 21 février 2021
Freiheit für Volha Kalackaja
„Die Revolution war zu Beginn eine Zeit der Poesie“, schreibt der belarussische Schriftsteller und Übersetzer Alhierd Bacharevič. Er lebt derzeit als Writer-in-Exile in Graz. Ebenfalls „Writer in Exile“ in Graz ist die belarussische Autorin, Übersetzerin und Fotografin Julia Cimafiejeva.
Gegen die Macht der Poesie und der Kunst allgemein, die dem friedlichen Protest mit ihren Mitteln Ausdruck verleiht, geht Lukaschenkos autoritäres Regime mit zunehmender Gewalt vor. Es gibt gezielte Aktionen gegen Kunstschaffende. Verleger werden verhört oder verhaftet, Bücher beschlagnahmt.
Zuletzt wurde am 15. Januar die Übersetzerin Volha Kalackaja verhaftet. Sie hat Autorinnen wie Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, Tennessee Williams und William Golding übersetzt. Letzte Woche wurde sie in ihrer Wohnung von der Polizei abgeholt. Sie hat die friedlichen Proteste in ihrem Wohnort unterstützt. Die Staatsgewalt wirft ihr Organisation und Beteiligung an Aktionen gegen die öffentliche Ordnung vor und bedroht sie mit einer Haftstrafe von bis zu drei Jahren.
Margaret Atwood zeigte sich entsetzt über die grausamen Übergriffe der Regierung gegen Menschen, „deren einziger Wunsch ist, in einem demokratischen Land zu leben, das ihre Rechte achtet“.
Wie der belarussische PEN berichtet, wurden seit Beginn des Wahlkampfs im Frühling 2020 mehr als 600 Verstöße gegen kulturelle Rechte begangen, die unter anderem Mitglieder und MitarbeiterInnen des PEN betroffen haben. Die Präsidentin des belarussischen PEN, die Nobelpreisträgerin Svetlana Alexijewitsch, war aufgrund unablässiger Bedrohungen gezwungen, das Land zu verlassen.
Wir fordern die umgehende Freilassung unserer Kollegin Volha Kalackaja. Die Anschuldigungen gegen sie müssen fallengelassen werden. Repressalien gegen Kunstschaffende und friedlich protestierende Menschen sind ein Verstoß gegen die Menschenrechte und müssen geächtet und eingestellt werden.
Wien, Jänner 2021
IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer
IG Autorinnen Autoren
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur
Österreichischer PEN-Club – PEN Austria
Writers-in-Prison-Comitee PEN Austria
UNIVERSITAS Austria – Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen
AIIC Österreich
ÖSDV – ÖsterreichischerSchriftdolmetscherInnen-Verband
Kulturvermittlung Steiermark, Graz
Internationales Haus der Autor:innen Graz
Free Volha Kalackaja
‘In its early days, the revolution was a time of poetry’, writes the Belarusian author and translator Alhierd Bacharevič, currently living in Graz as one of its Pen Writers-in-Exile, the other one being author, translator and photographer Julia Cimafiejeva, also from Belarus.
And it is the power of poetry and art in general, as deployed to lend expression to this peaceful protest, that Lukashenko’s authoritarian regime has been cracking down on with increasing force, including targeted action against artists: publishers have been interrogated or arrested, books confiscated.
Most recently, on 15 January, the translator Volha Kalackaja was arrested. She has translated authors such as Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, Tennessee Williams and William Golding. Last week she was taken away from her apartment by police and detained. She had been supporting the peaceful protests where she lived. The state authority has charged her with organising and participating in actions against public order, for which she could face a jail term of up to three years.
Margaret Atwood expressed her horror at this cruel assault by government against individuals ‘whose only desire is to live in a democratic country where their rights are respected’.
According to PEN Belarus, since the beginning of the election campaign in Belarus in spring 2020, there have been more than 600 cases of cultural rights violations, including against PEN Belarus members and staff. The president of PEN Belarus, Nobel Prize laureate Svetlana Alexievich, has faced continuous harassment, forcing her to leave the country.
We demand the immediate release of our colleague Volha Kalackaja. All charges brought against her must be dropped. Repressive measures against artists and individuals engaged in peaceful protest violate human rights and must be stopped and outlawed.
Vienna, January 2021
IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer (Austrian Association of Literary Translators)
IG Autorinnen Autoren (Austrian Writers‘ Association)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur (Austrian Society for Literature)
Österreichischer PEN-Club – PEN Austria
Writers-in-Prison-Committee PEN Austria
AIIC Austria
ÖSDV –(Austrian Association of Speech-to-Text-Reporters)
UNIVERSITAS Austria (Austrian Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association)
Kulturvermittlung Steiermark, Graz
Internationales Haus der Autor:innen Graz (International House of Writers)
Свабоду Вольге Калацкай
“Рэвалюцыя была спачатку часам паэзіі”, піша беларускі пісьменнік і перакладчык Альгерд Бахарэвіч, які зараз знаходзіцца ў Грацы па праграме “Пісьменнік у выгнанні”. Беларуская аўтарка, перакладчыца і фатограф Юлія Цімафеева цяпер таксама жыве ў Грацы па праграме “Пісьменнік у выгнанні”.
Аўтарытарны рэжым Лукашэнкі з усё большай жорсткасцю ставіцца да ўлады паэзіі і мастацтва ўвогуле, якое сваімі сродкамі надае выразнасць мірным пратэстам. Супраць дзеячоў мастацтва праводзяцца мэтанакіраваныя акцыі. Выдаўцоў дапрошваюць ці арыштоўваюць, канфіскоўваюць кнігі.
15 студзеня была арыштаваная перакладчыца Вольга Калацкая. Яна перакладала творы такіх аўтараў як Маргарэт Этвуд, Вірджынія Вульф, Тэнесі Уільямс, Уільям Голдынг. На прошлым тыдні міліцыя затрымала яе ў яе кватэры. Яна падтрымлівала мірныя пратэсты ў горадзе, дзе жыве. Дзяржаўная ўлада абвінавачвае яе ў арганізацыі і ўдзельніцтве ў акцыях, накіраваных супраць грамадскага парадку, і пагражае ёй турэмным знявольваннем да 3 гадоў.
Маргарэт Этвуд была ў жаху ад страшэнных замахаў улады на людзей, “адзіным жаданнем якіх з’яўляецца жыццё ў дэмакратычнай краіне, у якой паважаюць іх права”.
Беларускі ПЭН-цэнтр паведамляе, што з пачатку выбарчай кампаніі вясной 2020 года адбылося больш за 600 парушэнняў культурных правоў, якія датычыліся ў тым ліку і членаў і супрацоўнікаў ПЭН-цэнтра. Прэзідэнт Беларускага ПЭН-цэнтра, лаўрэат Нобелеўскай прэміі Святлана Алексіевіч, з нагоды пастаянных пагрозаў была вымушаная пакінуць краіну.
Мы патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення нашай калегі Вольгі Калацкай. Абвінавачванні супраць яе павінны быць знятыя. Рэпрэсіі супраць дзеячоў мастацтва і мірна пратэстуючых людзей з’яўляюцца парушэннем правоў чалавека і павінны быць забароненыя і спыненыя.
Вена, студзень 2021 года
Аўстрыйскае аб’яднанне перакладчыкаў (IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer)
Аўстрыйскае аб’яднанне аўтараў (IG Autorinnen Autoren)
Аўстрыйскае літаратурнае таварыства (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur)
Аўстрыйскі ПЭН-клуб (Österreichischer PEN-Club – PEN Austria)
Камітэт Аўстрыйскага ПЭН-клуба “Пісьменнікі ў зняволенні” (Writers-in-Prison-Comitee PEN Austria)
Аўстрыйскае прафесійнае аб’яднанне вусных і пісьмовых перакладчыкаў “УНІВЕРСІТАС” (UNIVERSITAS Austria – Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen)
Міжнароднае аб’яднанне перакладчыкаў-сінхраністаў у Аўстрыі (AIIC Austria)
Аўстрыйскае яб’яднанне перакладчыкаў вуснай мовы ў пісьмовай форме (ÖSDV – Österreichischer SchriftdolmetscherInnen-Verband)
Культурнае пасярэдніцтва Штырыі, Грац (Kulturvermittlung Steiermark, Graz)
Міжнародны дом аўтараў, Грац (Internationales Haus der Autor:innen Graz)
Кантактныя дадзеныя:
IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer
Werner Richter, старшыня
wernr@therichters.at, +43 676/604 15 03
Brigitte Rapp, кіраўнік спраў
b.rapp@literaturhaus.at, +43 676/558 38 90
Seidengasse 13
1070 Wien